Участники Сводного Электронного Каталога



1. National library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi (AAA)

2. The Republican center of the union electronic catalog (AAH)

3. Fundamental library of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ABA)

4. Republican scientific pedagogical library (AHD)

5. Republican Children's Library (ABI)

6. State scientific medical library of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan (AIA)

7. Information and library center of Karakalpakistan (OAA)

8. Information and library center of Andijan region named after Z. M. Bobur (IAA)

9. Information and library center of Bukhara region named after Abu Ali ibn Sino (LAA)

10. Information and library center of Navoi region named after A. Kadiriyy (MAA)

11. Information and library center of Jizzakh region named after Sharof Rashidov (EAA)

12. Information and library center of Namangan region named after Nodirabegim (HAA)

13. Information and library center of Sirdarya region named after Alisher Navoi (DAA)

14. Information and library center of Surkhandarya region named after Adib Sobir Termiziy (KAA)

15. Information and library center of Tashkent region «Turon» (AGA)

16. Information and library center of Tashkent city «BILIM» (AHA)

17. Information and ibrary center of Fergana region named after Ahmad al-Fargoniy (GAA)

18. Information and library center of Khorezm region named after Mahmud Zamakhshari (NAA)

19. Information and library center of Kashkadarya region named after Sayido Nasafiy (JAA)

20. Information and library center of Samarkand region named after A. S. Pushkin (FAA)